Site Index
About this web resourceThe "Local Church" Information Site is a not-for-profit web resource providing information and research materials on the "Local Church" of Witness Lee, including articles, essays, personal testimonies and web links. We seek to answer the question: "What is the evangelical Christian response to the 'Local Church' movement?" Although we host material from a variety of sources, both Christian and secular, and from within the movement as well as outside, our focus is on the evangelical perspective as relates to the Christian Bible. We do not necessarily endorse all the viewpoints expressed by material published on this site, but we respect that these varying viewpoints exist, and we present them here in hopes of shedding more light on God's ultimate truth in this matter. This site is maintained and edited by Daniel Azuma. Daniel is currently a graduate student at Regent College, an evangelical seminary located in Vancouver, British Columbia. At the age of 18 during his first year of undergraduate studies at Caltech in Pasadena, California, Daniel came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior through friends in the "Local Church" movement. He then spent a year and a half in the movement before leaving on account of, as he puts it, "cultic behavior unbecoming of the church." Since then, he has served informally as a consultant and occasionally as a recovery counselor for situations involving the "Local Church" and similar movements. A software engineer by trade, Daniel now holds a master's degree in computer science from the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, and worked several years in the software industry before starting his seminary studies. He is a member of Jubilee Evangelical Church, an interdenominational church in the Seattle area. The design and layout of this web site, and its editorial content, are copyright 2003 Daniel Azuma. Writings and other material hosted by this web site are copyrighted by their respective authors, unless otherwise indicated. Some material may be hosted directly on this site without the specific and expressed authorization of the copyright holder. In such cases, based on the nature of the copyrighted work and the use on this site, the editor believes that this constitutes fair use as defined by Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law. For inquiries regarding this web resource, contact |